West Coast Swing-Workshops
On Saturday, March 29, 2025, we’re welcoming Marine Valet from Paris for a 3-hour workshop, followed by a party. This workshop will be held in French, with English translation if needed.
Saturday, March 29, 2025
West Coast Swing
Workshops in Luxemburg
Saturday, March 29, 2025
14 – 0.30
Workshop with Marine
On Saturday, March 29, 2025, we’re welcoming Marine Valet from Paris for a 3-hour workshop, followed by a party. This workshop will be held in French, with English translation if needed.
Marine Valet is an advanced-level West Coast Swing (WCS) dancer and instructor with significant experience on the international WCS circuit. She performs at events across Europe and serves as a judge in WSDC competitions. She teaches in France and has also taught in New Zealand and Germany, demonstrating a clear and accessible teaching style and a dynamic approach to dance instruction. Known for her precise style and attention to technique, Marine offers workshops that provide unique insights into the subtleties of WCS, tailored to dancers of all levels. She brings a distinctive energy to the dance floor, and her strong expertise in mental preparation for high-level athletes makes her an inspiring and versatile individual.
West Coast Swing-Workshops
Date/s & horaires
Ouverture des portes : 14h00
Fermetures des portes : 24h00
Début du spectacle : 14h00
Voir link
Bar & restauration
La buvette est ouverte 1h00 avant le début du spectacle et 1h00 après le spectacle Nous vous proposons une offre variée de collations et d’encas sucrés/salés, (tartinables, bocaux, biscuits sucrés, biscuits salés) à déguster avant ou après le spectacle.
Conditions de vente des billets
Les billets ne peuvent être ni repris, ni échangés, ni revendus, ni remboursés. Dans le cas d’annulation de la manifestation, Altrimenti s’engage, sur demande du Client dans un délai maximum de trois mois à compter de la date du spectacle, à rembourser les billets. Pour toute question sur l’événement : tel +352 2877 8977, secretariat@altrimenti.lu