Anne Gildea Comédienne

How to Get The Menopause and Enjoy It

SAT 30 September 8PM

Anne Gildea is waxing her moustache, slathering on the Oestrogel™ and boiling with excitement about bringing her fabulous hit show to the Centre Culturel Altrimenti.

Who? Anne Gildea! Anne is a Dublin-based comedienne, best known as a founder member of the iconic musical-comedy trio, The Nualas. One of the most successful Irish comedy acts ever, they toured the world, playing stage and television, from 1995 – 2019.

Solo, Anne was one of the first Irish female stand-up comics, starting out in London in the late 1980s. She went on to feature in many Irish TV comedy programmes. As a writer, she has published several books, the last of which, about her treatment for breast cancer, inspired the feature film, “The Bright Side” (Amazon Prime).

Now in her 50s, Anne’s new solo show is the result of a desire to talk on stage about all things womanly and middle-aged. A huge hit with audiences and critics alike How to Get The Menopause and Enjoy It is an original, informative, wet-your- pants excursion through one of life’s last great mysteries – The Menopause. What is it? Why does it happen? Why is it named after men? And why oh why is so little known about this inevitable phase of lady-life?

*TMI = Too Much Information!  (Recommended Age 16 +)

“I enjoyed it so much I brought the husband. He had tears streaming down his face with laughter.”

“This is the funniest, most honest and real show I have ever been to!”

                                                                                                          Audience Feedback

 “Never has the female body been put under such an hilarious microscope…utterly punk.”

                                                                                                      The Irish Independent


Doors open: 19:00
Box office closes: 20:00
Start of the show: 20:00


Regular ticket (evenings or in advance)25 EUR
Members Altrimenti (evenings or in advance)22 EUR
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